Friday, June 1, 2012

Finals Thoughts Before the Long Hot Summer

Initially, I signed up for this class to meet a requirement. I have always enjoyed reading, so I was looking forward to this class. I didn't know what to expect besides reading a variety of stories from the text book. Now that I am almost finished with the class, I have found my expectations were off. I had no idea how much fun I would have in this class. I have learned so much about authors, some of whom I didn't even know existed. I enjoyed most of the stories and now feel inspired to continue my learning. This summer I plan to read more stories by some of the authors I enjoyed the most. As of right now, my summer reading looks something like this:

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Big Sur by Jack Kerouac

The Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac

Travels with Charlie by John Steinbeck

The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe

I plan on continuing this blog for the summer, perhaps even beyond that. I will update my progress on the books I'm reading and share my thoughts once I'm done.

Additionally, as an interesting sidebar: There is a new movie coming out this year about Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road.

My literary journey is far from over, in fact, thanks to this class, it has taken a turn for the better.

Finally: I would just like to mention that aside from reading, I also write in my spare time. I have written a couple of short stories (all unpublished)  and I am working on a novel. I have spent 2 years on my novel and in January of this year I finished the first draft. In short, it is the story of a girl and the adventures she has during her first year of college.


  1. Let's see some of that writing, Rob. You can't just mention it without giving us a taste.

  2. Yes, keep posting here so I can read what you think about the books on your reading list. I am specifically interested in reading your thoughts on On the Road. Don't see the movie before you read it. Have a great summer.
