Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Button-Down Mind

Just the other day, I finished reading Bob Newhart's book "I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This"
When I started, I had expected/hoped it would be a straight biography. I soon found out that wasn't quite the case. It was sort of like an informal/incomplete autobiography. He mainly reflected on various aspects of his life/work and provided some insight in to how he got the ideas for his stand-up routines. It was still very interesting. I did learn how he went form being a nameless accountant to a world famous comedian. I found that section to be particularly interesting because I can totally see myself following his footsteps. He got his degree in Management. I plan to get mine in Marketing.

My dream is to be a television writer, which I plan to attain by writing in my free time and sending off my work to networks. I'm hoping my work is quality enough to be picked up, but if it isn't, then I know at least I tried to fulfill my dream and I have an advertising career to fall back on.

One thing that particuarly hit home with me was something he said at the end of the book. He stated that it is his personal belief that if you have the ability to stand up on a stage and perform comedy, then you have an obligaiton to do so. For that reason, he said he will continue doing live stand up as long as he possibly can.
According to his facebook page, even at the ripe age of 83, he is still performing his routines live.

Just between you and me, I plan to purchase tickets and watch him live. I love his routines so much and I recently acquired a copy of his chart-topping record "The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart"
He said his record of holding the #1 and #2 spots on the top album charts lasted for 31 years until Guns and Roses beat him out with "Use Your Illusion" and "Use Your Illusion II" in 1991.

Another part of the book that I found funny were the stories he told about his friendship with Don Rickles. The way he puts it, "somebody has to be his friend". In case you didn't know it already, Rickles is famous for his rude, in-your-face comedy. This in turn causes people to assume he is that way off the stage too. As a result, he has few friends. Bob says he has traveled the world with Rickles and his wife and they remain the best of friends today.

Interestingly, Bob Newhart didn't receive his driver's license until he was 30 years old and happily married. He attributed it to the fact that he lived in a big city and he simply used the "L" and taxis to get around. He told a story about how when he got married, he didn't have his license yet, but his entire family, as well as his new wife's family were all watching as the newlywed couple got in to the car to leave the church for the honeymoon. He didn't know the first thing about driving, but he had written a comedy routine about a driving school. His solution was to apply everything he talked about from his routine and hope for the best. In the end, he managed to start the car and drive down the block. Then, he turned down a side street out of site from the church where he and his wife traded places at the wheel.

Also, he lived at home well in to his twenties. I believe he said he was around 29 when he finally moved out. I want to say he was around 31 when he got married.

I'd just like to note at the end here that Bob Newhart has two really well known shows on DVD and that if you are interested, I encourage you to check them out. They are "The Bob Newhart show" (6 seasons in all) and "Newhart" (8 seasons in all)

Until next time, keep reading!

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