Saturday, April 28, 2012


I had heard of the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers before reading it for this class, but I had never read it before. The book, in my opinion, was slow to get started, but it soon picked up. Once the storm came, my attention remain high. One thing I found really interesting was the difference between the Zeitoun I imagined in my head and the real man. I watched the interview in class and realized Zeitoun was much different then I imagined. This however, did not change how I viewed the story.

The actions Zeitoun was put through really made me think. I realized that there is injustice going on unnoticed in this country. In the context of the aftermath of the storm, was it really necessary to suspect Zeitoun of being a terrorist? I know the authorities were just being biased, but they should've thought a little harder before just grabbing him and taking him away. Had the authorities been more focused on doing their job (assisting hurricane victims), they would have paid less attention to Zeitoun and let him help them by helping those in need.

Overall, this was a good book. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to friends. It really makes the reader think, which to me, is one of the primary purposes of a book.

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