Saturday, May 5, 2012

Corson's Inlet

I found “Corson's Inlet” by A.R. Ammons to be a highly thought-provoking poem. It really makes the reader stop and think about their own life. The reason for this is because to a degree, the events in the poem are relatable. I think walking along a beach and thinking about life is something a lot of people are familiar with.
In the last two stanzas, Ammons analyzes the world around him as he walks along the shoreline. One theme that stands out to me is “freedom”. The author uses phrases such as “limited tightness”, “widening scope” and “all possibilities of escape open” to continually emphasize the existence of freedom. The birds that fly above him are free as well as the ocean flowing next to him is a big symbol of freedom. In a way, the author's haphazard thoughts are also an example of freedom. To me, the purpose of this story is to talk about the pleasures that come from a stress-free, driftless life

1 comment:

  1. I like your reference to freedom. I think the shoreline could also represent change as well as freedom. To be free could be acceptance of change and the possibilities to come.
